Saturday, October 15, 2011

wisdom from tom shadyac

Just browsing Tom Shadyac's blog tonight and came upon this brilliant passage from one of his posts.

Inside you is the same infinite energy that created the universe.  As the modern mystic, Irwin Kula, knew, “Everything is god in drag.”
So the next time you’re told you need to be somebody, rest in the knowledge that you already are.  Hafiz implores us to wake up to this truth when he says: “I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”
'Everything is god in drag.' What a loaded quote. I've reflected and have come to the conclusion that removing religion or faith in something (even if it is nothing) from this quote is quite impossible. If I am to apply this quote to what I believe, I cannot help but be relieved by its statement. In a couple of sentences, I believe that god comes from the goodness of people; god is present in everyone because everyone is born with the potential to do good. Whether that diminishes or grows over time can be a result of one's environment, but that core potential is there and, thus, god is everywhere. He/she/whatever is just present in differing levels and moods. So yes, god is indeed in drag. He/she/whatever wears whatever face each human is presenting to the world that day. God is everywhere.

And thank GOD that I don't need to be anyone else than who I am right in this very moment. I AM somebody. I must remain focused on who I am and what I can do rather than who I am not and what I cannot. This is something I struggle with. My mind wanders and imagines what life would be like if I was someone else or if I was doing something else. But I'm not. I am here. I am who I am and I cannot change that. I must be proud. We are all capable of such amazing things by harnessing our own selves and it is my hope that we awaken to this potential and translate it into bettering the world somehow.

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