Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Privilege and oppression are around us every day. Because of society, we have these scripts, these preconceived notions of people based on their socially constructed differences. And yes, these may never go away, but it definitely aids personal development and growth if we become aware of our differences and immerse ourselves in them.

Some believe that the best method of addressing differences is to completely ignore them and say that everyone is equal because everyone is the same. Everyone shares their humanity. While this is true, merely doing this only perpetuates the dominant culture. By ignoring differences, we say that they don't matter. We become colorblind and, as such, we don't see the entire picture. Slapping a label on someone or pushing a stereotype onto them only perpetuates societal colorblindness. Not only does it damage society, but it takes away a person's agency to define who they truly are through their own actions.

These stereotypes can't be ignored. They're everywhere. But we need to open our minds and realize that humanity is beautiful because it is comprised of different souls and beings. We are beautiful in our differences and it is our duty as human beings to respect and accept each other for who we are.

See the person. And, above all, show them love.

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