Friday, October 14, 2011

our liberty is bound together.

It was only a few hours ago that the Invisible Children celebrated a huge win when the President of the United States, Barack Obama, announced that 100 American advisors were to liaise with the Ugandan Military in order to apprehend and remove Joseph Kony and other top-ranking members of the Lord's Resistance Army from the battlefield.

I will admit that when I first read the headline of the Al Jazeera article which stated, "Obama sends US combat troops to Uganda", I was a tad apprehensive. I am a firm believer in providing people with the ability to help themselves rather than through monetary aid and donations when it comes to situations like this. But I continued reading and was immediately comforted by these quotes:

"Although the US forces are combat-equipped,they will only be providing information, advice and assistance to partner nation forces.  
They will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defence. All appropriate precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of US military personnel during their deployment" - Barack Obama
“To be clear, the 100 troops deployed are being sent in an advisory role, to support and augment the Ugandan Military with technology and strategy. They will not be involved in any offensive action. So any reference to an invasion or new war by the United States is absolutely ridiculous. This is a step in the right direction that we should all be proud of as Americans.” - Jedidiah Jenkins

Invisible Children has been SO influential in this decision and I, and many others, I'm sure, consider this a humongous win. I'm so incredibly proud of everyone at Invisible Children for all the work that has been done to secure THIS win, past wins and the future wins that are to come. We can do this.

Every war has an end.

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