Wednesday, January 25, 2012


i really admire people who care enough to challenge me, my thoughts, my opinions and methods. 

some times, you're going to think you have the answers all ready in your head to spurt out. other times, you're never going to get it and all you're left with are more and more questions. 

but other times, and these are the best of times, you come across a person or a group of people who challenge you to think outside your comfort zone and what you already know. it may just be for a moment, or for a while, or for the rest of your life, but hold on to those lessons of humility. these are the people that teach you the most and you can't help but be glad for the lesson. 

revel in the challenge. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

3/52 Sisterhood Everlasting - Ann Brashares

After reading Before I Go To Sleep, I felt like I needed a bit of a breather and this was not it.

Holy fuck. I don't think I've ever cried so much while reading a book in my entire life. It seemed as though I couldn't read a chapter without bursting into tears.

As much as I've detested a) Carmen and b) books 2-4, I really enjoyed what this book had to offer. It offered fantastic closure and so much was resolved for those that have stuck with the series for this long. And yes, once again, I wonder whether Carmen ever learns from her past mistakes because her she is, fucking everything up again. And yes, once again, I wonder if ANY of them are going to change and redeem themselves. They don't. Of course. But, I can kind of see why this never happens. The reason why they constantly revert to their weak and low points is because they aren't being loving themselves and each other. They aren't moving with each other. When they make their mistakes and when the reader exclaims, "COME ON!", they're very much alone in their journeys.

Here, we find them suffering alone in their tragedies but eventually coming together (obviously) and finding friendship and love. Finally. Took long enough.


Friday, January 13, 2012

2/52 Before I Go To Sleep - SJ Watson

Woo! On pace for my 52 in 52 challenge this year.

I don't really know how I feel about this book and the story. I was engrossed and fascinated with the idea and I understand what the book and the author are trying to say about memory. Memory is fragile and there are many things in life that we take for granted until they disappear from our lives completely. I did, however, almost find the book a bit predictable at parts. I also didn't find Christine as likeable as she, perhaps, should have been. Maybe that's just me, but I wasn't quite fond of her.

In any case, it's worth a read if you find these types of books interesting. It was kind of like a soft Memento.


this is beautiful.

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."

- Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

1/52 - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? - Mindy Kaling

I feel like Mindy Kaling is living the life that I really want to have. I wouldn't want to be a Tina Fey, Amy Poehler or a Kristen Wiig, but I sure would love to be rubbing elbows with them and generally breathing the same air in an office several floors below them.

That is what Mindy Kaling does and in this book, she writes about life, friendship, boys, family and work, stuff that a person like her can just get away with writing about. If a normal person like me wrote about that, it would just be a pathetic, narcissistic blog. Or a pathetic journal/diary. Fuck.

There are some funny parts, but there are some REALLY, laugh-out-loud on the bus funny parts that are worth buying the entire book. More than that, there are moments where I looked up and around and wished I could share the quotes and essays with. Like the one about the romantic comedies, or the one about the things boys should own/wear/do and the one where she hangs out with Amy Poehler.

Mindy Kaling is smart, funny, pretty, and a great writer. This book proves it. Most of all, she's real. She loves comedy, admires the people I admire and is unabashedly humble whilst being hilariously arrogant. She's who I should have grown up to be. Damn.

Anyway, one book out of 52 finished and done.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

the otherside

"We’re all on a journey
Down the hall of memories
Don’t worry bout what you ain’t got
Leave with a little bit of dignity
Never loved what I had
Always felt like I deserved more
But when I
Make it to the other side
Make it to the other side
That’s when we’ll settle up the score"
- The Roots "The OtherSide"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear Greg Mortenson,

I went on holiday this Christmas and read your book in all its infinite wisdom within 4 days. I am not exaggerating when I say that it is the most important book I will read regarding education and is an inspiration for educators and future educators like myself. I, too, wish to bring education to the margins of the world and your book has provided me with a guide and a blazed trail for me to follow.

Your work along with your staff both in the States and overseas is absolutely admirable. This book will lay the groundwork for all those wishing to emulate your accomplishments. Perhaps it won’t be the most gripping book for those who have no interest in non-fiction, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and/or education, but for those who are, it is a masterpiece that blends personal stories and characters with history, sociology and unrelenting optimism.

Dear Kathryn Stockett,

Yes, I gave into the hype and fell in love with almost every character in the book except for Stuart. I didn’t like Hilly or Elizabeth but I’m positive that there are women exactly like them who are real and either continue to follow others in their ignorance or steer others toward it.

Out of all the maids, I found myself admiring Yule May the most. Not quite sure why when most tend to steer themselves towards liking Minny and Aibileen the best. I just found her motivations to be true and admirable.

Long live Skeeter Phelan. Can’t wait to see the film!